There’s never a bad season to visit Italy.  But Autumn might just be the best. Temperatures are cooler and the crowds are thinner.  Rates of fare for restaurants and hotels are often scaled back a bit.  And the beautiful scenery is an ample offset to …


Ferragosto has been celebrated in Italy since 18 B.C.! Originally a holiday that allowed citizens a day rest after weeks of intense hard work harvesting crops, and conveniently named for Emperor Augustus to commemorate his victories in key battles.  In modern-day Italy, Ferragosto celebrations typically …


Calabria geographically forms the “toe” on the boot-shape of Italy.  It’s almost completely surrounded by water, with the Ionian Sea to the south of it, the Strait of Messina separating it from Sicily,  the Gulf of Taranto to the east, and the Tyrrhenian Sea to …

Sardinia: a continent on an island / La Sardegna: un continente sull’isola  

About 120 miles off the Italian mainland and in the center of the Mediterranean Sea lies Sardinia, an island known for its crystal clear waters and snow white sand.  Rocks on the island date back to the Paleozoic Era, almost five hundred million years ago! …


Blended into a tapenade, stirred into a martini or just straight from the jar…however you eat them, olives have created a fanbase worldwide. But did you know that fossil evidence indicates that the olive tree’s origins trace back to as long as 40 million years …

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Flora Fine Foods

Started by Bari, Italy native John Flora in 1976, Flora Foods is a family-run business that provides the freshest quality Italian food imports at a reasonable price. We provide only the most authentic, Italian food products with all-natural ingredients. Flora Fine Foods offers GMO-Certified, Gluten-free and Organic options as well. Look for us in your local grocery Pasta or Sauces section in Publix , Wegmans, Costco, Whole foods and many fine stores. Follow us to receive authentic recipes and wine pairings. If It's Italian...It's Flora.

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