
Frico is a traditional potato pie from Carnia within the region Friuli-Venezia Giulia in the north of Italy. It is an example of European frugality and can be served as a starter or main dish. It contains potatoes, olive oil, onions and cheese. The original recipe dates back to the 15th century and uses a creamy regional cheese, called Montasio but can be replaced with another type of Italian cheese. It takes about 30 minutes to prepare a Frico. Frico is best served hot when the cheese is still melted. As a side, we recommend Flora Italian Tomatoes with Basil and a glass of Pinot Grigio.
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Prep Time 30 mins
Total Time 30 mins
Cuisine Olive Oil
Servings 4 servings



  • Peel and slice the potatoes and onions.
  • Heat the olive oil in a pan. Once it is hot, add the potato slices.
  • Once the potatoes start turning slightly brown, add the onion (about 8 minutes).
  • Continue cooking until the onions are translucent (about 5 minutes)
  • Add the parmesan cheese in small batches and keep turning.
  • Add salt, pepper and nutmeg to taste.
  • Increase the heat once the cheese has melted.
  • Check the bottom. Once it has turned golden brown, turn the pie in the pan.
  • The Frico is ready when both sides are golden brown.
  • Add salt, pepper and fresh basil to the tomatoes and serve as a side to the Frico.
  • Enjoy!
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